Friday, January 21, 2011

On Eating More Sweet Potatoes

Not all that long ago Mark read that the number one healthiest food is the sweet potato.  We arbitrarily decided on the spot to have sweet potato at least once a week, which we are happy with because we both really love them.  We've had them mashed with garlic, baked into spicy oven fries, as a hash for breakfast, and tossed into soup.  Honestly, if anyone out there has some good sweet potato recipes, send them our way because we're starting to run out...

After Christmas we were browsing through Williams Sonoma, debating how to spend our very generous gift card from Mr. Jim Henry, and we picked up this recipe for Spiced Carrot Soup.  As written, this recipe calls for some bizarre product called a soup maker, which I can't figure out the point of since a pot and an immersion blender seem to work just fine. 

We ended up fiddling with things and tossed in some peeled and cubed sweet potatoes in addition to the carrots, which then required about twice the amount of stock.  We also used sour cream instead of the Greek yogurt, but same idea.  I'd skip the crispy prosciutto next time since it seemed out of place to me, but I bet Mark would disagree with me on that point. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Detox and Daquiris

I realize posting the recipe for lime daquiris on the day Mark and I start our post-holiday detox regimen is ironic, but these suckers are way too good not to share.  If your idea of a daquiri resembles an alcoholic slurpee, I recommend you redeem the good name of daquiri, favorite drink of Ernest Hemingway, with these superior homemade libations.

Classic Daquiri
1 1/2 oz. rum (we like Plantation brand)
3/4 oz. fresh lime juice 
1 oz simple syrup
Twist of lime peel  for garnish

Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into martini glasses.  Add your twist of lime to make it pretty.

Since we stocked up the home bar over the holidays, complete with cocktail recipe book, expect more drink recipes posted here.