Thursday, May 12, 2011

No New Posts Lately, But a New Home!

Haven't posted lately because we've been busy busy packing up and moving into our new apartment!  Here is a picture of Millie nervously navigating the spiral stairs in our new place:

After much initial nervousness, she's a pro at it now, and if you come over she will probably show off her walking up and down the spiral stairs skills for you.

We have some ideas to spruce the new place up, so expect a few crafty-type posts mixed in with the usual recipes.  Until then, here's the quick dinner we made last night before heading out to see the hilarious TJ Miller at the Lincoln Lodge. 

Quick BBQ Chicken Pizza

This one is not much of a recipe since we used pizza dough from Trader Joe's and you can top pizza dough with pretty much anything (Cuban pizza from Boiler Room...mmm...), but here is what we did for our pizza last night:
  • Caramelized onions
  • Chicken, cooked and chopped up
  • Tomatoes, chopped (Mark got some great heirloom tomatoes at Stanley's, the best tomatoes I've had this year by far)
  • Red pepper, sliced and sauteed for a couple minutes with plenty of...
  • Garlic, minced
  • Green onions
  • BBQ sauce (we used Sweet Baby Ray's, which we had in the fridge)
  • Cilantro
  • Fresh pizza dough from Trader Joe's
  • Shredded cheddar and shredded Italian cheese blend, also from TJ's
Aside from the cilantro and green onions, throw everything on top of the rolled out dough and pop it in the oven until the crust is crispy.  This was about 20 minutes for us.  Top with the cilantro and green onions and eat!