Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our new blog!

Hello and welcome to SightTasteSound!  Bridget, Millie and I are going to be writing about, linking to and photographing a wide variety of topics and things that interest us. The name of the blog is pretty lame, admittedly, but I chose it in a hurry and it seemed to best encompass the senses we'll be focusing on. Some thoughts on music, some recipes we're working on, some books we're reading, some places we've get the idea. We're not reinventing the wheel here, just putting our brand of fancy rims on it.

We have been together about a year and a half now and have already had some really wonderful experiences together, with many many more planned for the future. We do a LOT of cooking together and like to stretch ourselves in the kitchen, and so we've been thinking about doing a cookbook for friends and family before the holidays.

Onto the title of the blog, then:

SIGHT- some pics of places we go, food we eat, drinks we love, us hugging, our pup Millie doing funny things.

TASTE- I'm thinking we'll be putting some recipes on here, some pics of food, some thoughts on restaurants and bars in Chicago and elsewhere, and-- well, we can use the term "taste" figuratively here and include basically anything that has to do with style, opinion or preference.

SOUND- Music has been of huge importance to us both independently and as a couple. It was one of the things we quickly discovered we had in common that brought us together, and one we have subsequently enjoyed as a couple. We can agree to disagree about the importance of 1980's kiwi pop just as effortlessly as we can make up words to "Alouette" that concern Millie and her eating habits or "aromas".  SO yeah, expect some reviews (from 2 totally unqualified people) of shows we go to, albums we're digging, podcasts, whatever.

I hope you'll check in on us once in a while, cook something we've made and enjoy it, check out a band you may otherwise not, give us some suggestions of places to visit, and just interact with us and be a part of this fun experiment.