Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Plant Project

We've covered a lot of "taste" in this blog so far, but have left the "sight" and "sound" parts seriously neglected.  To that end, here's something to file under "sight" -- a little home decorating project.

While we've been in our new place for a little more than two months now, this summer has been really busy and some of our ideas for decorating the new place have fallen by the wayside.  A few weeks ago we hung up our birch tree mural. (Hanging up that birch was kinda a bi*ch, so to speak.)  During the last week we finally got around to painting our dining room (beach grass).

Here is an action shot of Mark mid-painting.  He's so good and fast at painting, he's a blur in this picture!

One feature of our new place that we loved right away was the built-in planter connecting our spiral stairs to the wall.  It is right next to a huge window and is perfect for viney plants, which can hang down into the dining room. 

This weekend we ventured up to Gethsemane Garden in Uptown, which ranks as one of my favorite stores in Chicago.  I could go broke here, and I'm not even much of a gardener.  We got a bunch of different plants for the house, including the planter box.  We didn't want the black bottom of the planter to show through, though, and we weren't up for filling the entire box with soil, so we got two big bags of river stones and Home Depot and a bunch of bags of preserved moss in different varieties.  We arranged the plants, dumped in some rocks, and spread the moss on top.  Here's the result:

Mark nixed my idea of putting a tiny gnome in there.  Here's what it looks like from below:

We still have more ideas for around the house, but this may end up being my favorite!

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